The Car Seat Caper

    There was a time a few years ago, well OK, about 20 years ago,  when I traveled alone, I was a cool and calm passenger. Those days are gone. Long gone. On our trip to England last fall, we had some super embarrassing, hilarious, and downright humbling experiences traveling with our crew of seven. One of them was the car set caper. Let me explain.

Everything was going well. We were at the departure gate in Portland Airport ready to take off on the first flight across the pond to see my folks. This let me tel you was no small thing, what with juggling 7 passports, 7 tickets, 7 through security, 7 pairs of shoes, and one very wiggly 2 year old! But we made it. Now all we have to do is wait 45 minutes for the first leg of the journey. But wait,

Where’s the car seat?

In the hustle and bustle of the morning, we had left it strapped in my friend’s car after dropping us off that morning.  Could we do 13 hours in flight without a restraint for my youngest?  Who was I kidding? There is no way I am flying 13 hours with a 2-year-old on my lap.

We got a hold of Pat after borrowing a fellow passenger’s phone,(yes, we didn’t have a cell phone) and she started speeding the 20 mins back to the airport. Bless you Pat for this. So my Hubby takes off to meet her downstairs curbside.  I am freaking about now . In my mind I’m realizing he has to get back through security and get to the gate. Al in 10 minutes. Can I fly to the UK alone on a flight with 5 kids? All those ‘what ifs’ are making their way into my mind but I can’t get distracted in case I lose track of my 5 restless kiddos with me.

So we wait and pray.

“Rows 5-10 may start to board now,” announced the steward over the lou speaker. We are missing a VIP and a car seat from our party and we are boarding in 5 minutes. I am about to faint! The lovely airline lady asks, “If we could please board as there are so many children in your party and we need to close the doors in 5 mins.” So we reluctantly begin to board.

Walking through 1st class we see the guy that lent us his phone. “Oh glad, you made it”, he says.

“Well my hubby is still not here “, I choke out, as I am trying to wrestle my gang into our randomly assigned seats trying to not be too crazy obvious. Why do they always separate large families on planes even when you have booked a whole set of sets together?

Then the worst happens – the door shuts and I feel the plane jerk forward!

All 6 of us are still standing in the aisle – and I turn back toward the door ready to yell at them to hold the flight and ….THERE HE IS – my knight – my love – my hubby is flying down the aisle toward me. With his belt flapping, shoelaces whirling from the security checks and the blessed car seat slung over his broad shoulders. I don’t think I have ever been so relieved to see him in my whole life.

Finally getting situated with my then screaming 2 year old, (yes the WHOLE plane was glaring at me)  I realized that my days of traveling incognito were most definitely GONE. But we made it all the way to England, car seat and all.

Just to add the trip also did include an emergency room visit with my 2 year old, and car seat caper #2, but this is enough for now! I seriously can’t handle any more memories of this trip!!

Happy traveling!

Love and blessings, Kay

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