Since moving to Oregon, my kids have become avid snake lovers. A day hardly goes by without someone catching one. Here are a few snaps of the ones they thought worthy.
Most of them are bull snakes, gopher snakes and I think Ben is holding a rosy boa?
But I’m not the one to ask their names or hang around and gawk over these slithery belly crawlers.
They are not my favorite thing to even talk about – yet here they are creeping their way onto my blog page.
I find all this extremely disturbing. But I take the pictures and trust they know what they are doing!
Another frequent wonder is the amazing rainbows we see here. The sun and rain often overlap as we are at 4500 feet above sea level and the results are fabulous. I much prefer this to the reptiles!
There are many parts of life that are different up here in Oregon, some hard, some better -but I’m so thankful for the reminder that all of this life has purpose when I keep God as the center.
“Yesterday is past and gone, tomorrow is yet to be. Be thankful for what’s here today, for all the life we see!”
Blessings, Kay